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January 13, 2016, Detroit – Have you made a New Year’s resolution to become more aware of and more involved in the urgent environmental issues of our day? If so, Voices for Earth Justice has some special opportunities for you.

An interfaith network of people focused on spirituality and care for the Earth, Voices is offering a series of presentations on Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ recent encyclical on environmental issues such as global climate change. Led by Adrian Dominican Sister Patricia Benson, the sessions will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturdays, January 16 and 23, at St. Basil Church, 22851 Lexington Avenue, Eastpointe.

The talks are free of charge, but donations will be accepted. To register or for more information, email Sister Pat

Dr. Janet Stankowski, OP, Development Director of Voices, is also seeking people interested in volunteering to serve on the organization’s board of directors. For information or to volunteer, email Sister Janet

Voices was founded in 2001 by Sister Janet and Adrian Dominican Associate Patricia Gillis out of a need to bring a faith-based perspective to environmental issues. Sister Janet described the non-profit organization as a “faith-based network whose mission is to pray, educate, and act on behalf of Earth.”  

The presentations on Laudato Si’ begin a new year of activities for Voices for Earth Justice, which concluded 2015 with a flurry of events coordinated with other organizations in the Detroit area. To read about the events of last Fall and about Voice’s ongoing projects, read the January 2016 newsletter.

Feature photo: From left, Sisters Janet Stankowski, Janet Traut, Annette Desloover, and Virginia (Ginny) King pause in the task of raking leaves to pose with the Detroit Community Development Award.

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December 23, 2015, Washington, DC – Iraqi Dominican Sister Ban Saeed, OP, and Adrian Dominican Sister Donna Markham, OP, were featured this morning on CNN to shed light on the Christian Iraqi refugees who have fled from ISIS. Watch the interview. YOU can help our ministerial efforts on behalf of the exiled and displaced people of Iraq! Visit www.1000CranesforIraq.org for more information. 

Sister Barbara Cervenka, OP, puts the finishing touches on one of the "1,000 cranes for Iraq" she has committed to paint.

Sister Barbara Cervenka, OP, who initiated the 1,000 Cranes for Iraq fund-raising project, continues to paint one crane each day – even while recovering from knee surgery. “Painting the cranes is particularly meaningful because of the connection to the work and struggles of our Dominican Sisters in Iraq,” she said. 

Sister Barbara added that Dominican Sisters and Associates, as well as the general public, have shown a tremendous response to the project. “People like to find a way to help other people who are in difficult situations, like the refugees in Iraq,” she said.



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