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March 14, 2025, Adrian, Michigan – The Adrian Dominican Congregation launched two podcasts to tell the stories of individual Sisters and to assist young women who might be deciding, or discerning, whether they are called to religious life.
The two shows, each with new episodes published weekly, are now available on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and the host site, Lisbyn.
A Sister’s Story, which is available in video format on YouTube, features interviews with individual Sisters who reminisce on what drew them to the Congregation and on some of their experiences in ministry. In A Sister Reflects, members of the Congregation’s Vocations Team share discernment strategies and reflections.
Sisters Tarianne DeYonker, OP, and Katherine Frazier, OP, members of the Congregation’s Vocations Team, are excited about the ways that the new podcast can help them in their outreach to single Catholic women who might be considering religious life.
“One thing that’s important for me is that we continue to tailor our message for where people are,” Sister Katherine said. “How can we reach out to people in places where they’re already hanging out? When they go searching, we’re in a place where they’re already looking.”
Sister Tarianne believes that A Sister Reflects – both as a written blog and now as a podcast – can benefit people making any major decision, in addition to those who are discerning religious life. “It’ll be nice for young people or anybody to have a short reminder of what it means to think seriously about something and to have some ideas of how to go about discernment,” she said. Sister Tarianne sees podcasts as “a jolt of inspiration” because they can be listened to during a drive to or from school or work or amid other daily activities. “They’re the perfect length for many people.”
Podcasting as a form of communication continues to grow as people use the medium to listen to during commutes, and at other times they might not be able to read or watch a video, such as exercising or completing chores.
Research shows that more than half of the U.S. population over the age of 12 have listened to a podcast and 47% are monthly podcast listeners, said Angie Kessler, Director of Communications. Other deciding factors for launching the shows included the fact that podcast listeners spend more time than ever on the platform and it is effective in reaching all generations.
Bringing the idea of podcasting to reality was a team effort. Julia Gurney and Jakob Smith, of the Office of Communications, were instrumental along with Angie in researching the development, technology, and best practices of podcasts.
“We found that we could reach our intended audience more easily through podcasting,” said Julia, Social Media Specialist for the Adrian Dominican Sisters. “It seems like a good way to get our message out there in a new way.” Julia also appreciates the feedback she can receive from a podcast audience, helping her decide what interests the audience.
March 10, 2025, Adrian, Michigan – Journey through the sacred days of Holy Week and experience the passion and death of Jesus through his mother. Holy Week Retreat: Praying the Passion begins at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13, 2025, and concludes at 10:15 a.m. Thursday, April 17, 2025, at Weber Retreat and Conference Center.
The retreat is facilitated by Sister Patricia Harvat, OP. A Dominican Sister of Adrian, she has served in a variety of ministries: engaging in pastoral work in Puerto Rico, directing the Congregation’s ministry program in the Dominican Republic; and serving as Director of Formation for the Congregation.
The cost is $180 for commuters, $325 per person double occupancy, and $425 single occupancy. Registration is required. Visit and click on “programs,” call 517-266-4000, or email [email protected]. Limited scholarships are available.
Weber Center is on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse, Adrian, Michigan. On East Siena Heights Drive, turn into the driveway between Adrian Rea Literacy Center and the solar panel-covered carport. Follow the signs to Weber Center. For information, call the Weber Center at 517-266-4000.