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November 20, 2019, Detroit – As you begin to think about Christmas shopping and family visits, remember to immerse yourself in the greatest Christmas preparation of all – Advent. The latest book by Sister Janet Schaeffler, OP, The Guiding Power of Hope, offers reflections, prayers, and practices for every day of Advent and for Christmas Day to help you slow down and remember the ultimate meaning of Christmas.

The Guiding Power of Hope is available through Twenty-Third Publications or through the Weber Center Shop on the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ Motherhouse campus. The shop is open from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 12:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. You can also call 517-266-4035 or email [email protected]

Sister Janet has written yearly Advent reflection books, as well as numerous books for catechists, Eucharistic ministers, parents, and the faithful.  She draws on her experience in catechetics and adult faith formation and is currently a free-lance author, presenter, teacher, and consultant.

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May 16, 2019, Rome – Sister Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, was one of many elected leaders of women religious to offer a positive and optimistic reflection of the visit of Pope Francis during the closing session of the 2019 meeting of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG). 

“I was touched by his compassion and affirmation of the women religious leaders gathered for the audience,” she said. “His first words to us, affirming our call to consecrated life and acknowledging the differing charisms of religious life, were pastorally refreshing.” Sister Pat was also impressed by his walking up the hall with two Sisters “without clerical presence or fanfare, like a brother and sisters walking together,” and with his willingness to answer questions from UISG members. 

Read the entire Global Sisters Report article by Gail DeGeorge. Scroll down about half-way through the article to find Sister Pat’s reflection.



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