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Congregation Awarded for Long-time Support to Nonprofit that Serves People of Appalachia

November 9, 2020, Berea, KentuckyFahe, a nonprofit organization that works to lift the people of Appalachia out of poverty, awarded the Adrian Dominican Congregation the Dwayne Yost Friend of Fahe Award at its annual meeting in recognition of the Portfolio Advisory Board’s long-standing support of the organization.

The PAB was the first to invest in Fahe 40 years ago, granting a $35,000 loan in 1981 at a time with the nonprofit worked on a budget of $16,000.

Sister Corinne Florek, OP, accepted the award virtually on behalf of the Adrian Dominican Sisters. “We are so grateful that we were able to be part of the beginning and nurtured a seed that has borne incredible fruit,” she said.

Watch the award presentation.

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Avatar  Brian Chabala 4 years agoReply

Hi Corinne!
Oh my! Can it really be since 1977 when both of us were at St. Basil? My first appointment and now am most happily retired! Where did 43 years go?
Saw your video on line and your acceptance of the reward. Bravo for the Adrians!
I hope you are well, Corinne. St. Basil- with Gerry Britz, Louie Reva, Helen Berhgoff, Agnes Barrett and others got me off to a tremendous start in ministry! Keep up the great work. I am ever grateful to the Adrians for my 12 years of primary and secondary education. Give Fran Nadolny my best when you see her. We both come from the same neighborhood at the once St. Agatha parish in Redford.
Be well, Corinne and God bless!
Brian Chabala



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