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Regina Dominican High School Formally Transfers Sponsorship
A woman with glasses and long dark hair wearing black and white holds a microphone at a podium

January 12, 2024, Wilmette, Illinois – Regina Dominican High School community formally acknowledged the transfer of its sponsorship from the Adrian Dominican Sisters to Dominican Veritas Ministries (DVM) during a recent ceremony at the school. 

Regina Dominican High School, an all-girls school, was founded by the Adrian Dominican Sisters in 1958 and was sponsored by the Congregation throughout the years.

“Today marks a historic day in the history of Regina Dominican High School,” said Elizabeth Schuster, President of the school, in opening the ceremony. “We have been blessed to be the recipients of the incredible legacy of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, who founded our school over 65 years ago.”

Sister Frances Nadolny, OP, General Councilor for the Adrian Dominican Sisters and a former member of the Board of Regina Dominican, explained the Congregation’s rationale for collaborating with other U.S. Dominican congregations of Sisters to sponsor the school. Because of the expected future with fewer Sisters, she said, “it soon became clear that the Spirit was calling us to new and creative ways of collaborating.” 

DVM was formed through the collaboration of several congregations of U.S. Dominican Sisters to ensure that their K-12 schools will continue long into the future. The Dominican Sisters of Adrian; Sinsinawa, Wisconsin; and Houston, Texas, have entered into the agreement, with more congregations expected to follow. Nine schools are now under the canonical structure of Dominican Veritas Ministries. 

The shift in sponsorship “calls us to a significant letting go, for us and for you, as do most painful changes in life,” Sister Frances said. “We Adrian Dominican Sisters step into this new moment with a sense of enormous pride in Regina Dominican High School and the faith-filled hope that this collaborative Dominican venture will bear great fruit for the people of God in the years to come.”

During the ceremony, Sister Frances lit a candle representing the Adrian Dominican Sisters. She described sponsorship as a “unique, structured relationship through which the sponsor, in the name of the Church, directs and influences a ministry that meets an apostolic need and furthers the mission of Jesus.” She then lit a candle representing DVM, signifying the transfer of sponsorship. 

Sister Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, who ministered for eight years as President of Regina Dominican High School, now serves on the member board of Dominican Veritas Ministries representing the Adrian Dominican Sisters. On behalf of the DVM member board, she pledged “careful stewardship, while upholding and furthering Catholic Dominican education at Regina Dominican High School, honoring the legacy of the Adrian Dominican Sisters.”

Two Sisters sit in chairs next to a podium while two uniformed female high school students stand at podium and give remarks

Sisters Frances Nadolny, OP, left, and Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, listen as a student reflects on the influence of the Adrian Dominican Sisters on the Regina Dominican High School community.
Photo courtesy of Regina Dominican High School

Sister Mary Margaret formally addressed Dr. Kristen Melley, Director of DVM; representatives of the member board of DVM; and the leadership of Regina Dominican High School. “As leaders within the structure, may you be blessed with energy, hope, and new life as you embark on this sacred service,” she said. “May you be blessed with a sense of achievement and fulfillment in your leadership role.”

To signify the transfer of sponsorship, Elizabeth Schuster lit the candle representing Regina Dominican High School.

For her part, Dr. Melley, Director of DVM, promised the students that DVM would “keep this school focused and thriving” and ensure that their education would help their lives “flourish far into the future.”

A recording of the ceremony at Regina Dominican High School may be viewed online at 

Feature photo at top: Elizabeth Schuster, President of Regina Dominican High School, opens the Transfer of Sponsorship Ceremony. Photo courtesy of Regina Dominican High School.

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