A Sister Reflects - Reflexión de una Hermana

The Transformative Journey

This week's reflection comes to us from guest blogger, Katherine Frazier, Adrian Dominican Sisters Candidate.

Left to right: Candidate Katherine Frazier with Sisters Lorraine Réaume, Mary Keefe, and Kathy Nolan.

When a very pregnant Mary and Joseph set out on a journey to Bethlehem, they did not know what the journey would hold for them. Taking a journey implies transformation. Not only is there the physical change of being in a new place, but there is also the spiritual changes that take place when we meet new people and see new places. Mary and Joseph were transformed by their journey, as they became a family with a newborn son. Taking a journey also means taking a leap of faith, in allowing ourselves to be open to whatever the journey brings us, no matter how surprising. For Mary and Joseph, they had to take a leap of faith that they and their expected child would be cared for once they arrived in Bethlehem.

This story of Mary and Joseph speaks deeply to my own process of discernment. Certainly, my discernment has taken me to new places, where I have been able to meet many new people. However, more importantly, I am finding that this journey is challenging me to think in new ways, whether in learning how to be a better community member or pondering how God is active in my life. And there is a leap of faith to the discernment process once we embrace our decision, even if the consequences are surprising. Finally, I come back to the fact that Mary was pregnant with the Word of God as she traveled with Joseph to Bethlehem. As a woman discerning a vocation with the Order of Preachers, I see in this image an example of my calling to carry the Word of God to the world, and the image gives me hope that my vocation can be carried out in ways that I have not yet imagined.

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Showing 5 Comments
Avatar  Judy Friedel, OP 9 years ago

Thank you for your beautiful reflection. I pray for you each day. I would not have been open to the many graces to continue on the path of Dominican life without the prayers and support of family, friends and my Adrian Sisters.
Blessed Christmas Season!
Peace-filled New Year!

Avatar  joan zinn 9 years ago

Dear Katherine, TG for this powerful sharing. By juxtaposing your life journey with the pregnant Mary's trip over to Bethlehem, you recognize that the Word we share with others is a person, not just some word in a message. A message may be very important but it cannot love. Only a person can love.
Your sharing reminds me of a poem I learned some yrs ago:
O Mystical Rose of Motherhood, yet virgin lily-white' do I dare pray make me like thee, make darkness bring forth light?


Avatar  joan zinn 9 years ago

Dear Katherine, thank you for this powerful sharing. Your juxtaposing your own journey with the pregnant Mary's trip to Bethlehem reminds me of a poem I learned some years ago. It expresses a bit more trepidation than your final line does, but recognizes that 'carrying the Word' isn't simply passing on some scripture. The Word we carry is a person. Only a person can love.
Here's the poem: O Mystical Rose of Motherhood, yet virgin lily-white, do I dare pray make me like thee. make darkness bring forth light? Much love, Katherine, and Merry Christmas! Joan

Avatar  Ellen Burkhardt 9 years ago

Thank you for a beautiful reflection, Katherine. It made me remember, mostly fondly, my own journey of reentrance into the Congregation. Ah, yes, the surprises were many, and the stretching continues. I am happy that you are willing to risk your life with us. Ellen

Avatar  Nancy M Murray 9 years ago

God bless your journey ,Katherine, with faith, hope and joy!

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Vocations Team

Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP
Sister Katherine Frazier, OP
Sister Maribeth Howell, OP
Sister Mary Jones, OP

Adrian Dominican Sisters
1257 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793


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