A Sister Reflects - Reflexión de una Hermana

Alert and Awake to God's Voice

This week's reflection comes to us from guest blogger, Sister Dusty Farnan, OP.


I’m writing this reflection on the eve of Advent.  Advent invites us into two important actions:  to be alert and to be awake. What does any of this have to do with me or especially those of you who are pondering what path to take in life.  Maybe you are wondering like Elizabeth how is it that the “Lord should come to me?"

I think it has a lot to do with you and me. Luke’s Gospel for the Last Sunday in Advent reminds me of when I felt the call from God to pursue religious life.  I believe I felt like Elizabeth when Mary visited her.  I had just witnessed the beautiful reception of a classmate of mind from high school who had become a Novice in Adrian Dominican Congregation. I was so moved by the ceremony and the giving of total self that my friend had made that it stuck with me for a long time. It was as if Jesus” leaped inside me” in a way I had never experienced before. I became alert and aware that Jesus was calling me to follow him more closely. And so I wrote to the Prioress of the congregation asking for admission. It’s now fifty years later.

Perhaps this advent you might be awakened to God’s voice calling you to a deeper relationship.  May Advent awaken you to the God life already dwelling in you as a result of your Baptism.  May you become more alert to the prompting of God’s call to you this Christmas season.

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Avatar  Dana 9 years ago

when i was a child, about 11 years old, I was going through a horrible ordeal. I couldn't talk to anyone. I went to Mass every morning before school. At the end of the day I would go back into the church and light a csndle and pray with all my heart to Mary. Everyday I would pray. One day after school I was praying and Mary came to me and spoke to me. Everything changed the horrific issue ceased. I never spoke to anyone about Mary coming to me. I wanted to become a nun from the time I was 4yrs old. However, life had a great deal of twists and turns. I have thought about it everyday my entire life and have never found anything to fill the void. I have wandered far from my faith, at times, but always return . God is my peace, and I let peace rest in me.

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1257 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793


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