A Sister Reflects - Reflexión de una Hermana

Driving from Michigan to central Ohio this week I passed acres of farmland. What I noticed were the colors of the fields: deep golden fields of wheat ready for harvest, brilliant green fields of corn and fields of rich black soil awaiting seeds to be sown in them. Each was stunningly attractive.

These sparked my thought about discernment. What makes it so tough at times is the richness of choices we have. At the end of the discernment process we know when we decide to follow one way of life we will have to let go of the others! Don’t we tend to want it all?

A wise presenter once commented that everyone is called – starting at birth to the single life. As we grow in wisdom, age, and grace, God calls some to stay in the single life or return to it after following a call to married life. Others in the Catholic tradition are called to religious life as a sister, brother, or priest. 

Like the colorful fields of farmland, each life, each call from God, is rich and rewarding for us and vibrant in allowing us to make a difference as we walk our life with God.

I invite you to see how Dominicans live out their call (click here).

Blessings as you appreciate the richness of God’s call,
Sister Tarianne 

Ricas Opciones

Manejando desde Michigan al centro de Ohio esta semana pasé acres de tierras agrícolas. Lo que noté fueron los colores de los campos: campos de trigo dorados y listos para la cosecha, campos de maiz de un color verde y brillante y campos de tierra de un rico color negro esperando semillas para sembrar en ellos. Cada uno era increíblemente atractivo.

Esto encendió mi pensamiento sobre el discernimiento. Lo que lo hace tan difícil a veces son las ricas opciones que tenemos. Al final del proceso de discernimiento, sabemos que cuando decidamos seguir una forma de vida, ¡tendremos que soltar las otras! ¿No tendemos a quererlo todo?

Un presentador sabio comentó una vez que todos somos llamados comenzando desde el nacimiento a la vida soltera. A medida que crecemos en sabiduría, edad, y gracia, Dios llama a algunas a permanecer en la vida soltera o regresar a ella después de seguir un llamado a la vida matrimonial. Otros en la tradición Católica son llamados a la vida religiosa como una hermana, hermano o sacerdote.

Al igual que los coloridos campos de las tierras agrícolas, cada vida, cada llamado de Dios, es rico y gratificante para nosotras y vibrante al permitirnos hacer una diferencia mientras encaminamos nuestra vida con Dios.

Las invito a ver cómo las Domínicas viven su llamado (haga clic aquí).

Bendiciones mientras aprecia la riqueza del llamado de Dios,
Hermana Tarianne

I deliberately used “opening” in the title because I believe we are actors creating our own life stories. As actors we have choices to make. We can choose to open the doors ahead of us or leave them closed and go on to the next one. But like the game show that had contestants taking a risk on opening the next door and the next and next, we are often surprised at what is on the other side of them.

Granted there are some doors that we don’t want to choose, but where God is involved, doors are openings to opportunities to let God into the depths of our hearts, into all their mess and muck, joy and sorrow, anger and elation, gratitude and angst. How could we not risk opening them! In fact, we are urged to open them. 

And this is the secret too. God’s every-moment involvement with us invites us through doors that draw us into the Mystery of the call for our lives. When we are attuned, paying attention and listening for what draws us, we engage the inner conversation. Sometimes we name it “prayer.” At other times it’s called “discernment.” Whatever the name, we encounter within a chance to meet our deep yearnings for meaning and God’s tender love for each one of us. 

God is never outdone in the abundance of grace we need for a particular choice before us – a metaphorical door, an opportunity, a choice, a risk. In the way God leads us, it’s worth the risk. Each door we come to invites our curiosity and questioning. Come and see!

May you open doors and see,
Sister Tarianne

To open the door for a visit and see for yourself click here.

While I was having lunch at Chilli’s with a few visiting Australian friends, they surprised me by commenting, “I get tired of how many choices you Americans have, even when you go out to eat!”

I’d never considered this, of course, because I’m so used to being asked, “Do you want that toasted or plain and on what kind of bread?” “Paper or plastic?” My friends weren’t used to so much decision-making just to have a simple meal, so they felt overwhelmed.

We can experience that same sense that it’s all too much when considering the important life question, “Where is God calling me?” Many young people are fortunate in having a solid education and /or successful work experience, so the possibilities for the future are plentiful. At first glance this seems like a good thing. And it is – until you have to choose.

When we make a choice for something good for our life’s purpose, it also means letting go of other good things – a dilemma for sure! This is also why it can take longer than we’d like to decide which way to go in life, what choice to make. 

Wisdom tells us each letting go of a good choice makes another one possible. Since we cannot be totally sure the good choice we’re making is the right one, reality elbows in to remind us that there’s risk involved in choosing. The risk is worth it, however, if it results in peace of mind and an inner sense of rightness. Both are indicators that this choice is your response to God’s call.

Sister Tarianne

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Vocations Team

Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP
Sister Katherine Frazier, OP
Sister Maribeth Howell, OP
Sister Mary Jones, OP

Adrian Dominican Sisters
1257 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793

View our video series called Commitment & Joy to learn about the gifts of vowed life.