A Sister Reflects - Reflexión de una Hermana

woman in a bright yellow sweater sitting by the waters ledge contemplating

Fifty-six years ago, this week, I entered the Dominican Sisters of Adrian, Michigan. In some respects, this is hard for me to believe. Where did the time go? 

Reflecting on these fifty-six years, I find myself remembering countless wonderful experiences. There are, of course, the forty-nine other women with whom I entered the Congregation in 1967, the many sisters I have lived with (some delightful to share faith and life with, and others…not so much), the incredible opportunities to study both here in the States and abroad, the delight in continuing to learn about the Hebrew Scriptures while teaching at several graduate schools of theology, the joy of getting together with friends of fifty-six years, and the ongoing love and support I continue to receive from my sisters.

Are there regrets? Hmm. To be honest, no. But I have had what I will call “wonderings.” I have wondered: If I hadn’t entered this magnificent Congregation of women…What profession would I have pursued? Would I have been a wife and mother? What would my daughter have looked like? Would I now be a grandmother?! Yes. I have had “wonderings.” Who among us has not asked “Where would the other path have taken me?” 

What I know for certain is that God has blessed me abundantly, and that “it has been, and continues to be, a wonderful life.”

Peace and blessings,
Sister Maribeth

"Una Vida Maravillosa"

En esta semana cumplo cincuenta y seis años de haber ingresado a la congregación de las Hermanas Domínicas de Adrian, Michigan. En momentos es difícil creerlo.  ¿Donde se fue el tiempo?

Al reflexionar sobre estos cincuenta y seis años, me recuerdo de innumerables experiencias maravillosas. Están, por supuesto, las otras cuarenta y nueve mujeres con las que entré a la Congregación en 1967, las muchas hermanas con las que he vivido (algunas encantadoras para compartir la fe y la vida, y otras… no tanto), las increíbles oportunidades de estudiar tanto aquí en los Estados Unidos como en el extranjero, el placer de seguir aprendiendo sobre las Escrituras Hebreas mientras enseñé en varias escuelas de posgrado de teología, el gozo de reunirme con amigas que he tenido por cincuenta y seis años, y el amor y apoyo continuo que sigo recibiendo de mis hermanas.

¿Hay lamentos? Mmm. Para ser honesta, no. Pero he tenido lo que llamaré “pensamientos”. Me he preguntado: Si no hubiera entrado en esta magnífica Congregación de mujeres… ¿Qué profesión habría ejercido? ¿Habría sido esposa y madre? ¿Cómo habría sido mi hija? ¡¿Sería ahora abuela?! Sí. He tenido “pensamientos”. ¿Quién de nosotras no se ha preguntado “¿adónde me habría llevado el otro camino?”

Lo que sé con certeza es que Dios me ha bendecido abundantemente, y que “ha sido y sigue siendo una vida maravillosa”.

Paz y bendiciones,
Hermana Maribeth

There is a famous question, “If you were charged with being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?” In other words, does the way you live your life really reflect what you claim you believe and value? Most of us fall short, but in general, we can recognize if we are muddling along in the direction toward what we hold sacred and true or away from it.

For Dominicans, we might come at it in a slightly different way. How does your life preach? What does the way you live proclaim to the world? We are members of the Order of Preachers, after all. Dominican houses were and are called “Houses of the Holy Preaching.” That doesn’t mean we sit around listening to homilies and reflections. It means we strive to recognize that what we do – how we treat each other, how we live together, how we reach out to others – is a way of preaching Christ’s Gospel.

How do I preach with my life? What do I preach with my life? Does my life say what I want it to be saying? Does my life align with God’s desires for me? Asking these questions can help us figure out if we are on the right path and can help us discern the forks in the road.

Ultimately God’s desire for our lives and our deepest desires are united. But it takes a while to understand and accept those deepest desires within us.

Take some time this week to ask God to show you how you do already preach with your life and, perhaps, to show you new ways you may be called!

Sr. Lorraine 


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Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP
Sister Katherine Frazier, OP
Sister Mary Jones, OP
Sister Lois Paha, OP

Adrian Dominican Sisters
1257 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793


View our video series called Commitment & Joy to learn about the gifts of vowed life.