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Sister Marie Geraldine Brownell, OP, sits at a dinner table with Sisters Mary Anne Yanz, OP, and Myra Jackson, OP

August 22, 2023, Adrian, Michigan – Many Sisters continue their formal Jubilee celebration – marking milestone anniversaries of religious life – with less formal gatherings with family members and friends. But Sister Marie Geraldine Brownell, OP, who celebrated 75 years of religious life this year, found a special place to continue her celebration: in Heaven.

Sister Geraldine suffered from failing health and at times came close to death’s door – but she lived just long enough to celebrate and fully enjoy the Congregation’s formal celebration of the lives of 38 Jubilarians – with Mass and a special dinner in late June. During that night, however, she died – taking her joyful Jubilee celebration to Heaven, to the wonder and joy of many Adrian Dominican Sisters, Associates, friends, and Co-workers.

Sister Judy Friedel, OP, her Chapter Prioress, recalled the earlier months when Sister Geraldine was suffering from illness – and her sudden rally in time for the Jubilee celebration. “It was the most astounding rallying I had ever heard about,” Sister Judy said. “Her heart was so into it, and she was so determined [to celebrate her Jubilee]. She spent a couple days celebrating her Jubilee. She enjoyed it. She was wide awake and as engaged as she could be.” 

Sister Mary Anne Yanz, OP, who had befriended Sister Geraldine and often coaxed her into enjoying social events and pizza parties, also witnessed her rally. Sister Mary Anne took Sister Geraldine to the Mass in her wheelchair and shared the Jubilee dinner with her. “She looked so nice, especially with a nice wig” rather than the turban she had habitually worn, Sister Mary Anne recalled. “Marie Geraldine enjoyed her meal. [She] was a good friend. She will be missed by many.”

Sister Mary Anne had a hint of what was to come when, later in the day of the Jubilee celebration, she checked in with Sister Geraldine only to learn that Sister Geraldine was quarantined with a sore throat. Sister Mary Anne learned the next morning about her friend’s entrance into Heaven.  

Even in her time of illness, Sister Geraldine brought joy into the hearts of others. “I loved conversing with her,” Sister Judy said. “She was a grateful, joyful woman, even in the circumstances. I never heard a complaint from her. She was a happy person and she ended her life on a really high, happy note – the way she lived.”

Sister Judy emphasized the belief of many of Sister Geraldine’s friends that she would never survive to celebrate her Jubilee. “It was a grace, a gift, but she was open to it,” she said. “Nobody would have placed bets on that, that she would even make it through the events of Jubilee. She got herself there. She had a good preparation for Heaven. She stepped into it – it must have been glorious.” 

However Sister Marie Geraldine experienced her entrance into Heaven, she left members of the Motherhouse community in awe and in joy, in spite of the sadness of losing her daily presence. Read more about her life on her In Memoriam page.

Feature photo at top:  Sister Marie Geraldine Brownell, OP, right, enjoys her Jubilee dinner with, from left, Sisters Mary Anne Yanz, OP, and Myra Jackson, OP.

August 21, 2023, Adrian, Michigan – All interested people are invited to join the mindfulness community that gathers monthly at Weber Retreat and Conference Center. The purpose is to deepen their understanding of and commitment to daily meditation practice. Sister Esther Kennedy, OP, a Dominican Sister of Adrian, facilitates the sessions. 

Days of Mindfulness are from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Saturdays at Weber Center. The schedule and themes for fall 2023 are:

•    September 9, 2023: Leave Life Alone: Let it Be. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to create a conflict with what is occurring externally? When you become aware of an inner conflict, let yourself be curious and stay with the experience.

•    October 7, 2023: Why Practice Patience? The ultimate perfection of patience comes from the absence of our habitual, automatic triggers and reactive hooks to the challenges of life. Mindfulness helps us see ourselves just as we are.

•    November 11, 2023: Touching, We Are Touched. Daily, we get lost in a separate “me” thinking and planning, while nature reminds us to be still, to be ourselves, and to connect mindfully with nature.

•    December 9, 2023: Live Unbiased, Open, Fresh. Mindfulness meditation offers the courage to stay with experiences that are unpleasant, hurtful, or even frightening – those cracks where the light gets into our lives.

The cost for each session is $35, including lunch. Registration is required and available at www.webercenter.org; click “programs.” Registrations may also be made by calling 517-266-4000 or emailing [email protected]. Limited scholarships are available.

Weber Center is on the campus of the Adrian Dominican Sisters Motherhouse, Adrian, Michigan. Traveling east on Siena Heights Drive, pass the Adrian Rea Literacy Center and turn left just before the solar panel-covered parking lot. Follow the signs to Weber Center. For information, call the Weber Center at 517-266-4000.



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