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Fears and worry can prevent us from proclaiming the Good News in word and action to our world. Dominican Sister of Peace, Beata Tiboldi, OP, created this inspirational video about preaching with courage, faith, and joy – what she calls preaching with an Alleluia heart.
In this Easter season, may we catch the Spirit of the early church, and spread the joy of the Gospel for our time!
Blessings, Sister Sara
Alleluia! It’s True! (Inspired by the Easter Gospel readings) Tentative Could it be? Dare I trust? Dare we risk? We had hoped for so long Have felt betrayed and done our share of betraying And yet it could be true They say they saw him And they are glowing They are different somehow not cowering like the rest of us They know They don’t just believe They know I can see it They know in their bones He is alive Angels spoke to them She saw him at the tomb and he sent her to us They actually broke bread with him Could it be? It is all coming together Everything he said that sounded so crazy now is falling into place And, wait, who is that coming into our room? How did he get in here – the door is closed He looks so familiar and yet I cannot place him The marks Those terrible, awful nail marks It is him He is eating, drinking smiling at us He is alive as they said O God of our ancestors You have raised him Alleluia It is true Now I know And now that I know I have to leave this safe room No, I want to leave this safe, closed room I want to share this news The nails didn’t do it The shameful crucifixion didn’t destroy him And all that is death dealing in our world cannot destroy us We are on the side of the one who was raised from the dead And he has called us to go forth And has given us a Word of life to preach to a hurting world Death does not have the final power Hope and life remain Resurrection happens I know it now I Know Amen Alleluia
Sister Lorraine Réaume, OP
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View our video series called Commitment & Joy to learn about the gifts of vowed life.