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“If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts.” Psalm 95:8
When we’re trying to hear God’s call for what we are to do with our lives, we invest not just our ears, but our whole selves. We can look for clues from our body, our emotions, our mind, and our spirit. Each of them communicate bits of information as we search.
When praying or sitting quietly, we pay attention to places in our body that cause discomfort or pain indicating this isn’t “it”. Likewise we feel a relaxation of tense muscles or sense the butterflies of excitement when we have landed on what may be the call.
Over time we begin noticing a pattern of feelings that stay with us, feelings of joy, peace, or a sense of rightness about choices we’re considering. Likewise, we may feel a sense of unease, fear, resistance, even frustration and impatience in the struggle to have an answer.
When we have done our research on possibilities and thought about what we’ve learned from wise mentors, our spirit lets us know when to be at peace and likewise lets us know that something is not yet right about where we’ve arrived.
Maybe one of these recorded conversations will assist with your pondering.
Blessings as you continue on God’s way, Sister Tarianne
Discerniendo Con Todo Tu Ser
“Si hoy escuchas la voz de Dios, no endurezcas tu corazón." Salmo 95:8
Cuando intentamos escuchar el llamado de Dios para lo que debemos hacer con nuestras vidas, invertimos no solo nuestros oídos, sino todo nuestro ser. Podemos estar atentas por señales de nuestro cuerpo, nuestras emociones, nuestra mente, y nuestro espíritu. Cada uno de ellos comunica pedacitos de información mientras buscamos.
Cuando oramos o nos sentamos en silencio, prestamos atención a los lugares de nuestro cuerpo que causan incomodidad o dolor, indicando que esto no lo "es". Del mismo modo, sentimos una relajación de los músculos tensos o sentimos mariposas de emoción cuando hemos llegado a lo que podrá ser el llamado.
Con el tiempo, comenzamos a notar un patrón de sentimientos que permanecen con nosotras, sentimientos de alegría, paz o una sensación de rectitud acerca de las elecciones que estamos considerando. Del mismo modo, podemos sentir una sensación de inquietud, miedo, resistencia, incluso frustración e impaciencia en la lucha por tener una respuesta.
Cuando hemos hecho nuestra investigación sobre las posibilidades y hemos pensado en lo que hemos aprendido de mentores sabios, nuestro espíritu nos deja saber cuándo estar en paz y también nos deja saber que algo todavía no está bien con respecto a dónde hemos llegado.
Tal vez una de estas conversaciones grabadas (haga clic aquí) le ayudará con su reflexión.
Bendiciones mientras continua en el camino de Dios, Hermana Tarianne
One of the qualities about religious life that often attracts people is the total availability of men and women committed to meeting the needs of people. Other callings in life demand a responsible commitment to a spouse and a family, but this calling from God demands otherwise.
For those of us called to this lifeform, the energy we get from being free to respond and being supported by our communities in that response is life-giving. While the phrase “total availability” could be deceiving, because it doesn’t necessarily mean we keep going night and day, every day. However, it does mean that when we are not taking action to alleviate needs, we pray about those needs and we listen to how God invites us to respond to them.
When you reflect on your life and how your heart is touched by those in need or you wish you could respond more freely, tune in to those feelings. They could be signs that your call is to this life of radical availability. When you are taking action on behalf of those in need, pay attention to how your spirit is lifted up. Your responses matter and can be indicators of your call.
Please talk with a trusted mentor or spiritual director about your experiences. These are ways God calls us. God may be trying to get your attention!
Blessings in your search, Sister Tarianne
Disponibilidad Radical
Una de las cualidades de la vida religiosa que muchas veces atrae a las personas es la disponibilidad total de hombres y mujeres comprometidos a satisfacer las necesidades de las personas. Otros llamamientos en la vida exigen un compromiso responsable con el cónyuge y la familia, pero este llamado de Dios exige lo contrario.
Para aquellas de nosotras llamadas a esta forma de vida, la energía que obtenemos en ser libres para responder y ser apoyadas por nuestras comunidades en esa respuesta, es vivificante. Mientras la frase "disponibilidad total" puede ser engañosa, porque no significa necesariamente que continsigamos adelante día y noche, todos los días. Sin embargo, significa que cuando no estamos tomando acción para aliviar las necesidades, oramos por esas necesidades y escuchamos cómo Dios nos invita a responder a ellas.
Cuando reflexione sobre su vida y cómo su corazón es tocado por aquellas que la necesitan o si desea que pueda responder con mayor libertad, sintonícese con esos sentimientos. Podrían ser signos de que su llamado es a esta vida de disponibilidad radical. Cuando tome acciones a favor de las necesitadas, preste atención a cómo se eleva su espíritu. Sus reacciones son importantes y pueden ser indicadores de su llamado.
Por favor hable con una mentora o directora espiritual de confianza sobre sus experiencias. Estas son formas en que Dios nos llama. ¡Dios puede estar tratando de llamar su atención!
Bendiciones en su búsqueda, Hermana Tarianne
Fears and worry can prevent us from proclaiming the Good News in word and action to our world. Dominican Sister of Peace, Beata Tiboldi, OP, created this inspirational video about preaching with courage, faith, and joy – what she calls preaching with an Alleluia heart.
In this Easter season, may we catch the Spirit of the early church, and spread the joy of the Gospel for our time!
Blessings, Sister Sara
This week’s blogger is Sister Ellen Burkhardt, OP.
“I don’t believe you brought me this far to leave me.”
These words are from a hymn we sing in my parish in Detroit, one of my favorites. We sang it one week while I was discerning a call to religious life, and honestly, I thought the words were jumping off the page and into my heart with a message specially formulated for me! God seemed to speak directly to me through the words “I haven’t brought you this far just to walk away from you now. Trust me, now and into the future.”
As is often the case for those struggling with a discernment issue, I was filled with questions: How can I know that this is where God is leading me? Why won’t these questions go away? I also had concerns about giving up my home and a career I loved. I worried about entering religious life and then discovering that it doesn’t fit me. What would I do then?
Over time, with the help of prayer and spiritual direction, I came to a deeper trust that the same God who led me this far, will accompany me today and each day that follows.
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Vocations Team
Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP Sister Katherine Frazier, OP Sister Mary Jones, OP Sister Lois Paha, OP
Adrian Dominican Sisters 1257 East Siena Heights Drive Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793 517-266-3537
View our video series called Commitment & Joy to learn about the gifts of vowed life.