A Sister Reflects - Reflexión de una Hermana

A decision-making or discernment process allows us to sort through options that lie before us. Along with other instances, we use decision-making skills to choose our college courses, to choose among various recipes for a holiday dinner, and to select books to read when visiting the library. 

The decision-making that goes into the discernment process – and I like using the term “discernment” here – can be daunting as we consider what to do with our lives. Commitment to a way of life – marriage, single and religious life – takes time and lots of patience. It takes prayer, research, and accompaniment by wise mentors or a spiritual director. 

In weighing each life choice, we also weigh the pros and cons of each choice. We take a closer look at the experiences of our friends and family members who have found their way into married life or religious life as a sister, brother, or priest. As you can see, these ponderings take time and they take our energy.

As important and vital as this pondering is for our lives, it helps to be open to God’s abundant grace and the wisdom of those around us. Because this choice is a serious one, with lifetime impact, may you surround yourself with loving, wise people who support you and will be with you in the process.

Many blessings as you discern God’s call for your future,
Sister Tarianne

Decidiendo Entre Opciones

El proceso de tomar decisiones o el proceso del discernimiento nos permite clasificar las opciones que tenemos ante nosotras. Entre otros ejémplos, utilizamos nuestras habilidades de tomar decisiones para elegir nuestros cursos universitarios, elegir entre varias recetas para una cena festiva, y seleccionar libros para leer cuando visitamos la biblioteca.

La toma de decisiones que entra en el proceso del discernimiento - y aquí me gusta usar el término "discernimiento" - puede ser desafiante mientras consideramos qué hacer con nuestras vidas. El compromiso a una forma de vida - matrimonio, vida soltera y religiosa - requiere tiempo y mucha paciencia. Se require oración, estudio, y acompañamiento de mentores sabios o una directora espiritual.

Mientras consideramos cada opción de vida, también consideramos los pros y los contras de cada opción. Ponemos más profunda atención a las experiencias de nuestras amigas y familiares que han encontrado su camino en la vida matrimonial o religiosa como hermanas, hermanos, o sacerdotes. Como puede ver, estas reflexiones toman tiempo y toman nuestra energía.

Aunque esta reflexión es tan importante y vital para nuestras vidas, nos ayuda a estar abiertas a la abundante gracia de Dios y la sabiduría de quienes nos rodean. Debido a que esta elección es seria, con un impacto de por vida, espero que pueda rodearse de personas sabias y amorosas que la apoyen y la acompañen en el proceso.

Muchas bendiciones al discernir el llamado de Dios para su futuro,
Hermana Tarianne

balance scaleDiscerning God’s call for our lives and understanding what we are meant to be and do with our lives can be compared to a balance scale. We weigh options appearing in our pathway, twisting them this way and that to see them from different angles. We pray for wisdom and ask our friends and family for advice, but ultimately we’re left to choose. However, we are not left alone to decide. The Spirit is there for us. God desires our happiness.

What makes this process challenging is we are weighing among good options. We want to choose what is right and don’t want to make a mistake. God really tips the scales in our favor! In a sense, the God-up-ahead-of-us draws us toward a match for our gifts, allowing a free and generous exercise of them throughout our lifetime.

When I mention these scales “tip” in favor, I’m thinking we cannot make a mistake. Really? Yes, really, because if what you choose doesn’t end up “fitting” you, possibilities for new choices will come around again, although not without pain. Our God is a faithful God who inspires and allures us until we are open to our deepest call, perhaps a call to risk. God is never, never outdone in abundance of support for us. Taking time to make wise choices can only benefit our lives.

Blessings as you weigh your options,
Sister Tarianne


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Vocations Team

Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP
Sister Katherine Frazier, OP
Sister Maribeth Howell, OP
Sister Mary Jones, OP

Adrian Dominican Sisters
1257 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793


View our video series called Commitment & Joy to learn about the gifts of vowed life.