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For Jarelyn, timing was important in her discernment process. First the questions started rising in her and she tried finding the answers within herself. At some point the answers stopped coming as easily and then they stopped coming at all. She felt stuck.
She tried talking with friends and one of her co-workers that she was close to, but they only helped a little. The wisest friend mentioned to her that she was meeting every month with a spiritual director at her church and how much it was helping her focus and be at peace. Her friend suggested she contact this person to see if she could help her move forward in her search.
What Jarelyn discovered was that the spiritual director was trained to listen deeply to people on a spiritual search, to ask perceptive questions and to offer suggested practices that could help Jarelyn with the life decisions that lay before her at this moment.
As disciples of Jesus on a journey together we are in a common search for what God is calling us toward in order to become who we were created to become. The good news is that the Spirit accompanies us in this journey and leads us toward companions who give us just the help we need at the time. Blessed be the grace of the Holy Spirit!
Blessings as you walk with the companions who are sent especially to help you, Sister Tarianne
To contact one of our spiritual directors, click here.
Cómo Pueden Ayudar Las Directoras Espirituales
Para Jarelyn, el momento oportuno era importante en su proceso de discernimiento. Al principio las preguntas comenzaron a surgir en ella e intentó encontrar las respuestas dentro de sí misma.Después de un tiempo, las respuestas dejaron de llegar tan fácilmente y luego dejaron de llegar.Ella se sintió estancada.
Intentó hablar con sus amigas y una de sus compañeras del trabajo con la que estaba cerca, pero solo ayudaron un poco.La amiga más sabia le mencionó que se reunía todos los meses con una directora espiritual en su iglesia y cuánto le ayudaba a concentrarse y estar en paz.Su amiga le sugirió que se comunicara con esta persona para ver si podía ayudarla a avanzar en su búsqueda.
Lo que descubrió Jarelyn fué que la directora espiritual estaba entrenado para escuchar profundamente a las personas en una búsqueda espiritual, para hacer preguntas perceptivas y para ofrecer prácticas que le podrían ayudar a Jarelyn con las decisiones de la vida que le enfrentaban en este momento.
Como discípulos de Jesús juntas en una jornada, estamos en una búsqueda común hacia a lo que Dios nos está llamando para convertirnos en lo que fuimos creadas a ser.La buena noticia es que el Espíritu nos acompaña en esta jornada y nos guía hacia compañeras que nos brindan la ayuda que necesitamos en ese momento. ¡Bendita sea la gracia del Espíritu Santo!
Bendiciones mientras camina con las compañeras que son enviadas especialmente para ayudarle, Hermana Tarianne
Para comunicarse con una de nuestras directoras espirituales, haga clic aquí.
Most of us probably wouldn’t think about embarking on something important without any planning and, perhaps, talking with another person who had already done what we’re going to do.
If we needed to learn a complex computer program for a job and everything depended on us having details correct, we’d seek advice from others who know the program or from a supervisor or IT person.
The same is true when we’re embarking on a spiritual journey. If we seriously want to commit ourselves to learning how to listen to God, how to pray or how to understand Scripture better, we can seek out others who have gone on this journey before us.
The person could be a friend or might be a “spiritual director” or “spiritual companion.” These titles cover a select set of men and women who have studied how the spiritual life develops. They are aware of the stages of spiritual growth that can be expected and what it takes to commit oneself to this kind of an inner journey.
Their well-honed skills in listening can help us develop our own abilities to listen, while helping us grow in our relationship with God. When sensing a desire to deepen our spiritual life, finding a spiritual director can be invaluable. Most retreat centers have people who specialize in this service. Some parishes have them as well. It can be a key decision we make to nurture our spiritual growth.
Blessings on the journey, Sister Tarianne
This week’s blogger is Sister Ellen Burkhardt, OP.
“I don’t believe you brought me this far to leave me.”
These words are from a hymn we sing in my parish in Detroit, one of my favorites. We sang it one week while I was discerning a call to religious life, and honestly, I thought the words were jumping off the page and into my heart with a message specially formulated for me! God seemed to speak directly to me through the words “I haven’t brought you this far just to walk away from you now. Trust me, now and into the future.”
As is often the case for those struggling with a discernment issue, I was filled with questions: How can I know that this is where God is leading me? Why won’t these questions go away? I also had concerns about giving up my home and a career I loved. I worried about entering religious life and then discovering that it doesn’t fit me. What would I do then?
Over time, with the help of prayer and spiritual direction, I came to a deeper trust that the same God who led me this far, will accompany me today and each day that follows.
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Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP Sister Katherine Frazier, OP Sister Mary Jones, OP Sister Lois Paha, OP
Adrian Dominican Sisters 1257 East Siena Heights Drive Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793 517-266-3537
View our video series called Commitment & Joy to learn about the gifts of vowed life.