A Sister Reflects - Reflexión de una Hermana

fall landscape of adrian dominican sisters motherhouse campus with red orange yellow and green leaves in the trees and yellow leaves on the ground among paved sidewalks

Adrian Dominican Sisters, Motherhouse Campus.Photo taken by Aneesa @2012

Fall is my favorite season. So many things are changing, the weather gets cooler, the colors particularly in Michigan where I grew up are amazing, vibrant reds, yellows, oranges, and even purples. Our clothes change, even the number of daylight hours is shortening. For me, the season of Fall reflects life. As the world around us changes and the trees drop their leaves we are reminded of the many gifts of life nature is showing us. The dropped leaves provide nutrients to the soil and reminds us that if the leaves didn’t fall we would not have new life in the Spring. Nature taking time to slow down, taking time to breathe. When I can, I take a retreat in the Fall to enjoy the beauty of nature and taking advantage of the time to slow down and breathe. I started this tradition during my discernment. There was a retreat center not far from me that had little hermitages (small cottages) for rent. I would go for a weekend and enjoy being in the quiet, walking the trails through the leaves, talking and listening to God in nature. Those memories make me smile and remind me, while so many things in life changed as I discerned and entered Religious Life, my joy in nature has always been there and has only grown deeper as I invited God on the journey. What is your favorite season? Do you invite God to join you in your favorite season or favorite place?

Sister Mary

Encontrar el Tiempo para Reflexionar con Dios

El otoño es mi estación favorita. Muchas cosas están cambiando, el clima se vuelve más fresco, los colores, particularmente en Michigan, donde crecí, son increíbles, rojos, amarillos, anaranjados e incluso morados vibrantes. Nuestra ropa cambia, y aún el número de horas de luz se está acortando. Para mí, la temporada de Otoño refleja la vida. A medida que el mundo que nos rodea cambia y los árboles pierden sus hojas, recordamos los muchos regalos de la vida que la naturaleza nos muestra. Las hojas caídas proporcionan nutrientes a la tierra y nos recuerdan que si las hojas no cayeran no tendríamos nueva vida en Primavera. La naturaleza se toma tiempo para pausar, se toma tiempo para respirar. Cuando puedo, participo en un retiro en el Otoño para disfrutar de la belleza de la naturaleza y aprovechar el tiempo para pausar y respirar. Comencé esta tradición durante mi discernimiento. Había un centro de retiro no lejos de mí que tenía pequeñas cabañas para alquilar. Iba un fin de semana y disfrutaba de la tranquilidad, caminando entre las hojas, hablando y escuchando a Dios en la naturaleza. Esos recuerdos me hacen sonreír y me recuerdan que, si bien tantas cosas en la vida cambiaron a medida que discerní y entré en la Vida Religiosa, mi alegría en la naturaleza siempre ha estado ahí y solo se ha vuelto más profunda cuando invité a Dios en mi jornada.  ¿Cuál es su estación favorita? ¿Invitará a Dios a unirse a usted en su estación o lugar favorito?

Hermana María

The season of autumn in the north is traditionally a time marked by letting go. Leaves fall off trees, warmer temperatures depart in favor of cooler ones, and light diminishes as we move steadily toward December’s shortest day of the year. Change affects our human lives as well.

Some people get into the mood of clearing out cluttered closets, drawers, and storage areas at home. Wardrobes change from lighter clothing to warm sweaters, jackets, and long sleeves. In addition to these outward signs of change, there are internal signs of letting go too.

Discerning well is like the season of autumn because it involves letting go and leaving behind some choices. If you’ve made a list of life options available to you, you’ll find yourself crossing some of them off your list. If you’ve taken your top three choices where you feel called in your life and listed pros and cons for each of them, it may be easy to see which one(s) need to be let go next. This, of course, takes time. Then, there’s one more thing.

Unlike the season of autumn when trees let go of their leaves to make room for the new growth, it’s hard to imagine the trees feeling sad about their losses. For us humans, sometimes letting go of what we had thought we might be called to do and taking up another choice, risky or not, may leave us feeling sad. Like the tiny new buds that appear on trees even before the leaves fall, it helps to feel assured that we have discerned well. Now it’s time to try on our choice.

May you live in such confidence and trust,

Sister Tarianne

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Sister Tarianne DeYonker, OP
Sister Katherine Frazier, OP
Sister Mary Jones, OP
Sister Lois Paha, OP

Adrian Dominican Sisters
1257 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, Michigan 49221-1793


View our video series called Commitment & Joy to learn about the gifts of vowed life.